Sunday, December 12, 2010


I have to begin this by telling you guys for some reason the flashdrive I was using didn't save my video, so I had to do this blog based on memory and Meg's comments. So, your feedback is also greatly appreciated! Anyway, I was overall very happy with my speech. I feel like i presented some very valid points to the audience, especially the legal standpoints. I would give my speech about a 9/10. I think the emotional standpoint with Justin kind of brought the audience to a little more of a personal thing, because he death really could maybe have been avoided. But, there were a few things I thought I could do better. I thought i could have talked about the significance of Seed magazine and what the magazine really is and how it's a valid source. I also thought I could have maybe used less hand gestures, some may have been unnecessary. But, I was overall happy with what I did do, like good eye contact and good stance. I kept my feet planted. I thought this might change some of the audiences thoughts not necessarily to agree with it but at least just don't not agree with it. I think maybe people will now understand that there is no reason the government can make a law like that. Let me know what you guys think though!


  1. I must agree your information was great. You did an awesome job of making it not just opinionated but having facts to back up your point. Also the personal story worked like a charm! I didn't feel you had too many hand gestures. But I did notice that when you make eye contact with the sides you did a little bit of a hula. I think it's mostly because you didn't leave large enough breaks between switching what side you were making eye contact with. I also noticed a few “umm” here and there, but you've improved a lot on that. Also eye contact and stance were great! I was already pro same-sex marriage so you had me right off the bat! :)

  2. Hey!
    I agree that you pulled from some good sources and than you did a good job balancing logic/fact and emotions to persuade the audience. I thought your posture was good and that your hand gestures added to your points, not distracted from them.
    Maybe one more practice run could have helped avoid a few "uhms" but other than that, great job!!!

  3. Chloe,

    So, I defintely think you pulled good sources for your information. I did not catch them all, but the ones I did hear sounded entirely legit.
    I want to compliment your stance. You kept your feet planted and it allowed me to focus on what you were saying. I also have to say I loved how I could feel your interest in the topic. But I have to agree with what Jo said that another practice run would have helped with the umms, and it would have made your points even more clear!
    But overall, I would say you did great!

  4. Hi Chloe! I'd totally agree with how bringing up Justin's story appealed to emotion very well. As far as things to work on, maybe record yourself giving the speech beforehand and watch for a planted stance and a smooth flowing tone. Other then that the speech was very well put together and I feel like the whole presentation was very persuasive. Good job!
